Participation in the IDU Forum held in Washington DC

The American Lebanese Policy Institute PAC (ALPI-PAC) participated in the “International Democrat Union (IDU) Forum” held in Washington DC from

Conversation with Ms. Leaf at the Wilson Center Middle East Program

The ALPI PAC participated in a conversation/meeting with Assistant Secretary of State for NEA, Ambassador Ms. Barbara Leaf at the

المعهد الأميركي اللبناني للسياسات يدعم الرسالة إلى بلينكن

عبّر المعهد الأميركي اللبناني للسياسات عن دعمه بقوّة وبشكل كامل للرئيس المشارك لممثّل تجمّع الصداقة بين الولايات المتحدة ولبنان داريل عيسى، في

Supporting Issa in his call to name a president for Lebanon

The ALPI PAC strongly and fully supports Co-Chair of the U.S.-Lebanon Friendship CaucusRepresentative Darrell Issa with bi-partisan support, summarized in

Meeting with Congresswomen Young Kim and Michelle Steele

ALPI PAC hosted a meeting with Congresswomen  Young Kim and Michelle Steele in Los Angeles California. ALPI PAC President Paul

Fundraising event to support the re-election of Congressman Issa

The American Lebanese Policy Institute Political Action Committee sponsored a fundraising event, hosted by Mr. Joseph Sfeir ALPI PAC Treasurer,
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