ALPI PAC pressures the USA Government to take urgent steps and swift actions

Desperate situations and deplorable actions need to be addressed swiftly and urgently. That was the message delivered on 7/11, 7/12

ALPI PAC attended an event with presidential candidate Kennedy

The ALPI PAC, represented by Paul El Hindi, attended a private event with Democratic presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy, junior.

LACC appeals to the U.S. to help end Lebanon’s presidential vacuum

Lebanon has been languishing without a president for seven months. This vacuum has deepened the political crisis in the country,

ALPI PAC contributed to a fundraising event for Congresswoman Michelle Steel

ALPI PAC, represented by the Treasurer Mr. Joseph Sfeir, contributed to a fundraising event for Congresswoman Michelle Steel in Irvine

The threat of regional stability by Hezbollah’s military parade

The ALPI PAC strongly condemns and deplores in the strongest terms the latest unwarranted Hezbollah exhibition of its illegal parade

ALPI PAC visits Lebanon

Lebanon’s presidential election has been the center of attention for six months now and the subject of conversations between Washington
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