The current conflict between Israel and Hezbollah is yet another stark reminder that Lebanon remains
trapped in a proxy war that does not serve its own interests. This is not a war for the Lebanese people; it is Iran’s war, waged through Hezbollah on Lebanese soil. For decades, Hezbollah has been Iran’s tool in its
regional power struggle, pulling Lebanon into confrontations that serve Tehran’s agenda while disregarding the devastating impact on Lebanon’s stability and future.
The Lebanese people, who yearn for peace, prosperity, and a government that serves their needs, continue to bear the brunt of these conflicts. It is vital to emphasize that this is not the Lebanese people’s war.
Iran’s influence through Hezbollah has turned Lebanon into a battlefield, where foreign interests overshadow national priorities. Hezbollah’s continued militarization not only violates Lebanon’s sovereignty but also stands in direct defiance of international efforts to bring stability to the country.
This is why Lebanese politicians must rise to this moment. They must push for the full implementation of
United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1701 and 1559, which call for the disarmament of Hezbollah
and the restoration of state control over all Lebanese territories. These resolutions offer a framework for
ending foreign interference and restoring Lebanon’s sovereignty.
At the same time, Lebanon’s leaders must urgently prioritize the election of a president and the formation
of a government that serves the Lebanese people—not the interests of foreign powers like Iran. The ongoing political vacuum has only deepened Lebanon’s crises, leaving it more vulnerable to external
manipulation. Without a functioning government, there can be no hope for the reforms needed to rebuild
the country, restore the economy, and address the pressing needs of the population.
The Lebanese people deserve a government that puts their interests first, not Iran’s. This is a decisive moment. The country’s leaders must act now to reclaim Lebanon’s independence and chart a path toward
peace, stability, and a future free from foreign dominance.

This version emphasizes both the need for Lebanese politicians to implement UNSC Resolutions 1701
and 1559 and highlights the urgency of electing a president and forming a government that serves the
Lebanese people’s needs, not Iran’s.