The American Lebanese Policy Institute Political Action Committee sponsored a fundraising event, hosted by Mr. Joseph Sfeir ALPI PAC Treasurer, on 9/23/22, to support the re-election of Congressman Darrell Issa representing the 50th district in the state of California. Discussions circled around the situation in Lebanon and how the American-Lebanese community can best engage the United States government including the house and the senate to stop the Iranian influence and expansion in the middle east and particularly in Lebanon. Mr. Issa is a senior member of The Congressional U.S.-Lebanon Friendship Caucus, which surpassed 48 members and is growing.

This Caucus is a clear indicator of the United States commitment and interest in Lebanon proven by their support of the Lebanese Armed Forces, the universities and major hospitals. Discussion also included the crucial upcoming presidential elections in Lebanon, freeing the judicial system from the corrupted current government supported by Hezbollah, press on prosecuting the responsible parties for the port explosion, the Syrian and Palestinian refugees effect on the economy, finalizing the maritime border dispute between Israel and Lebanon, support to the local NGOs and connecting young professionals to US based companies to provide remote professional engineering and computer programming services. Mr. Issa concluded the event by promising to continue the fight to bring Lebanon out of its dark times and support the opposition against the current mafia-militia government.